The pop opera bare is such an incredibly important piece of theatre, now more than ever. At Find Your Light, we are honored to be producing such a piece.
Thank you to everyone who auditioned. Casting is always a delicate balance. Our production team feels very strongly that this cast is going to elevate this show to new heights.
If you were not cast in this production, please let us know if you'd like to help with the technical part of this show. We are always looking to grow our tech crew. We would also LOVE to see you at our auditions in May for our summer line up : Jesus Christ Superstar and Beetlejuice Jr.
To the cast of bare, congratulations! We are about to embark on a theatrical journey that everyone will learn and grow from. Our first cast meeting is this Thursday, January 30th from 6-9pm at our studio: 315 E 4th St in Loveland. We will go over contracts, expectations, the rehearsal schedule and get to know each other. When putting on such an intimate and emotionally charged show, it is important to connect with one another, so we will get right to work.
Please know there will be lots of stage time for everyone. Congrats again and see you Thursday evening.
If you decide to decline your role, please email: findyourlightnoco@gmail.com before Thursday. Thank you.
-Your Production Team: Brittany, Cierra and Stacy
Peter - Eduardo Gomez Perez
Jason - John Kampf
Ivy - Amelia Walters
Nadia - Aly Kerr
Matt - Damian Sanchez
Claire - Anna Perry
Sr. Chantelle - Ruby Swartzendruber
Lucas - Sawyer Bartran
Zack - Jack Dennis Smith
Alan - Leo Coble
Tanya - Isabelle Brown
Kyra - Opal Schlessman
Rory - Ryann Stroup
Diane - Azzurra Faczetta
Priest - Finn Smith
Male Swing - Oliver Lodato
Female Swing - Anna Perry
Aden Nichols, Andrew Leaming, Anna Perry, Bailee Roberson, Camryn Harrington, Charlie Couzens, Grace Zielinski, Harper Harris, Holiday Burgess, Ivy Scott, Jonathan Gomez, Judah Baker, Lexi Chase, Marissa Egly, Oliver Lodato, Paxton Sundquist-Siegl